Renewable Resource Management (RRM)

RRM-1197  Spatial Information Techniques  (3 Credits)  

An introductory, skills based approach to reading, interpreting and measuring various forms of spatial information. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation, measurement and analysis of topographic maps and aerial and satellite imagery. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Requisite courses: Take RRM-1197L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2250  Grassland and Forest Resources  (3 Credits)  

A study of grassland and forest ecosystems with an emphasis on ecological processes, plant succession, responses to disturbances, habitat classification, and integrated management strategies. Rangeland, forest and riparian health assessments are studied and practiced along with woody and herbaceous plant identification and vegetation inventory procedures. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1167 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-1197 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2250L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2252  Water Resources  (3 Credits)  

An applied approach to the introduction of hydrology, streamflow mechanics and hydrometric survey techniques. Emphasis is on hydrological data collection and analysis. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-1158, RRM-158, RRM-255.

Requisite courses: Take RRM-2252L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2253  Soil Resources  (3 Credits)  

This course covers the factors controlling formation, classification and fundamental properties of soils in Western Canada. Emphasis is on field and laboratory skills. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-1153, RRM-153, RRM-253.

Requisite courses: Take RRM-2253L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2256  Rangeland Management  (3 Credits)  

A study of rangeland habitat ecological concepts including ecological site classification, succession models, vegetation management techniques, and plant physiological responses to disturbance. The application of vegetative inventory and monitoring techniques, and rangeland and riparian health assessments are performed. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-256, RRM-254.

Requisite courses: Take Bio-1170 (Required, Previous). Take BIO-1172 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2256L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2258  Principles of Wildlife Biology  (3 Credits)  

An examination of the various concepts and factors that affect wildlife populations and management. Additional emphasis will be placed on identification of select wildlife species from western Canada. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-258.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1168 (Required, Previous). Take BIO-1172 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2258L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2259  Principles of Fishery Science  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the various concepts and factors that affect fishery populations and management. Emphasis will be placed on lake and stream survey techniques, identification skills and biology of important fish species in Western Canada. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-259.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1168 (Required, Previous). Take BIO-1172 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2259L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2264  Forest Management  (3 Credits)  

A study of sustainable forest resource management practices with emphasis on identification, inventory and assessment methods, ecosystem and landscape level processes, silvicultural systems, harvest planning and woodland operations. Lab and field practice will focus on the technical aspects of forestry planning, inventory and assessment and operations. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-264.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1170 (Required, Previous). Take BIO-1172 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-1197 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2264L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2291  Wildlife Habitat Management  (3 Credits)  

An examination of the rationale and techniques used to describe, maintain, enhance, and develop wildlife habitats. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-3386, RRM-386.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1172 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2258 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2291L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2293  Fish Habitat Management  (3 Credits)  

An examination of fish habitat characteristics of lotic (stream) and lentic (lake) ecosystems. Emphasis is on fish species habitat requirements, hydrological characteristics of streams, impacts of habitat degradation in streams and lakes and possible restoration techniques. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-3389, RRM-389.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1172 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2259 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2293L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2295  Hydrogeology  (3 Credits)  

An examination and analysis of the processes influencing the occurrence, properties and movement of groundwater. A skills based approach is used to select and set-up test well sites, collect groundwater samples, assess groundwater properties, complete computer assisted analysis and interpret the results. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-295.

Requisite courses: Take RRM-2295L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-2298  Conservation Biology  (3 Credits)  

An examination of the scientific basis for the management and protection of biological diversity. Practical applications are explored through examples and case studies that focus on the principles of ecosystem management. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to RRM-298.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1172 (Required, Previous).

RRM-2299  Fire Management  (3 Credits)  

A study of wildfire management with emphasis on fire weather, fire behaviour, wildlife control, fire ecology, and the use of fire as a prescriptive management tool. Lab and field practice will focus on the technical aspects of fire management planning and operations. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-299, RRM-294.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1167 (Required, Previous). Take BIO-1172; (Required, Previous). Take RRM-1197; (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2299L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-3350  Integrated Resource Management  (3 Credits)  

This course examines the complex and often competing uses of natural resources. It will involve the basic concepts of integrated resource management, sustainable development, public process, resource planning structure, and alternative dispute resolution. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to ENV-3350, ENV-350.

RRM-3368  Wildlife Field Techniques  (3 Credits)  

This course covers the conservation of wildlife in relation to management strategies. The design and application of field techniques to determine demographic parameters, food habits, and habitat use are presented for a wide range of species typical of Western Canada during laboratory and field exercises. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-368.

Requisite courses: Take RRM-2258 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-3368L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-3369  Fishery Management Techniques  (3 Credits)  

This course covers the basics involved with fisheries management, including sampling planning; care and handling of sampled organisms; passive and active fish capture methods; sampling with toxicants; tagging and marking; acoustic assessment; recreational fisheries; length; weight; diet and structural indices of fish. Students incorporate these teachings formally into a fisheries evaluation project and report. Biotelemetry, electrofishing and small-boat safety are often included in the hands-on training and field work. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to RRM-369.

Requisite courses: Take RRM-2259 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-3369L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-4454  Restoration Ecology  (3 Credits)  

An applied study of establishing dynamic ecological processes to restore degraded or damaged ecosystems. Focus is on reparation of plant communities, soils, and hydrologic function. Not available for supplem0ental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Requisite courses: Take RRM-4454L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-4460  Species At Risk Management  (3 Credits)  

This course explores the reasons for species endangerment, and the conservation activities that are underway for species at risk. Analyses are carried out of species at risk status processes, endangered species policy and legislation in Canadian jurisdictions. A review is made of strategies for recovering species at risk and implementation projects. Accompanying labs emphasize identification of priority western Canadian species at risk, the threats those species face, and recovery actions that are underway. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Requisite courses: Take RRM-4460L (Required, Concurrent).

RRM-4463  Population Ecology and Management  (3 Credits)  

This course will investigate the structure and dynamics of population systems, population limitation, predation, competition and dispersal. It will also cover topics in population ecology such as population dynamics and viability. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Requisite courses: Take RRM-4463L (Required, Concurrent).