Conservation Enforcement (CEN)

CEN-2255  Ethics and Career Development  (3 Credits)  

An examination of ethics and development of employment skills specific to the field of natural resource enforcement. Emphasis is on professionalism, codes of ethics, and standards of conduct. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to DCE-2255.

CEN-2259  Operational Procedures  (3 Credits)  

A skills-based approach necessary for students to conduct effective and efficient enforcement operations. Emphasis is on duties, responsibilities, and procedures required of various resource enforcement operations. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to CJP-2269.

Requisite courses: Take LAW-1161 (Required, Previous). Take CEN-2259L (Required, Concurrent).

CEN-2267  Natural Resource Legislation  (3 Credits)  

An advanced study of natural resource legislation. Focus is on interpretation, structure, authorities, offences and other administrative and procedural sections. Interpretation and analysis of Aboriginal case law. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (5)

Equivalent to CJP-2267.

Requisite courses: Take LAW-1161 (Required, Previous).

CEN-2269  Field Investigation Techniques  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the field component of natural resources investigation that focuses on the steps required from the time a call is received through to the end of the field portion of the investigation. Emphasis is on effective information and data gathering, scene management, and evidence procedures. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to DCE-2259, DCE-259.

Requisite courses: Take LAW-1161 (Required, Previous). Take CEN-2269L (Required, Concurrent).

CEN-3352  Parks and Protected Areas  (3 Credits)  

An overview of management of parks and protected areas including operational work plans, budgets, and user services. The focus is on managing the balance between conserving and protecting natural resources with park user demands. The roles and functions of park personnel will be examined. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to DCE-3352, DCE-352.

Requisite courses: Take CEN-3352L (Required, Concurrent).

CEN-3354  Administrative Procedures  (3 Credits)  

Organizational structure and administrative procedures common to governmental agencies and private organizations involved in the management of natural resources are investigated. Additional topics include supervision, management principles, work planning, risk management, employee programs and the relationships between management and organized labor. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to DCE-3354, DCE-354, DCE-350.

CEN-3357  Environmental Compliance Techniques  (3 Credits)  

This course examines the role of environmental inspectors and investigators in ensuring public and private industrial operations comply with environmental legislation established to protect the environment against degradation or damage. Compliance options and alternatives are presented in dealing with violations. The principles of administrative law form a major part of this course. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to CJP-3357, CJP-357.

CEN-3369  Environmental Investigations  (3 Credits)  

The exploration of successful practices that form part of the investigation completion framework in conservation enforcement. Topics include paperwork completion, the investigative process, the use of legal forms required in environmental investigations including suspect statements, summonses, subpoenas, long form informations, search warrants and a court brief for a Crown Prosecutor. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Requisite courses: Take CEN-3369L (Required, Concurrent).

CEN-3374  Environmental Law  (3 Credits)  

An examination of Canadian legal institutions that shape environmental law by examining specific court and administrative law decisions. Topics will include legislative and common law processes and remedies available to respond to violations, claims and investigations. Linkages between environmental issues of the day, and policy and legislation will be examined. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to DCE-3377, DCE-377.

CEN-3379  Case Management  (3 Credits)  

A focus on the integration of a wide variety of concepts, skills and procedures in the context of a complex investigation or case. Learners, working in teams, will be actively involved in investigating a broad range of incidents and will take the cases from occurrence or complaint through to disclosure to Crown Counsel. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to CJP-3379, CJP-379.

Requisite courses: Take CJP-2267 (Required, Previous). TAKE CEN-3369 (Required, Previous). Take LAW-2264 (Required, Previous).

CEN-3389  Problem Wildlife Management Techniques  (3 Credits)  

The investigation and control of wildlife damage to crops and the predation of livestock will be examined. Controlling nuisance wildlife and problems are an ongoing duty for enforcement officers and agricultural field personnel. Methods of prevention and control used in the field by resource management agencies are covered. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to DCE-3389, DCE-389.

Requisite courses: Take RRM-2258 (Required, Previous). Take CEN-3389L (Required, Concurrent).

CEN-3390  Issues in Resource Enforcement  (3 Credits)  

A series of short, topical presentations that deal with contemporary problems or issues unique to the discipline of conservation enforcement are explored. A critical review is conducted on media articles and research reviews in the resource field. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to DCE-3390, DCE-390.

CEN-4455  Field Enforcement  (6 Credits)  

An exploration of the practical field enforcement functions common to conservation enforcement agencies. Topics include agency and academic standards for interpreting and applying legislation, conducting regulatory patrols, performing competently within agency policies, procedures, directives and guidelines, and completing and issuing various enforcement documents. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (6)

Equivalent to DCE-4455, DCE-455, CEN-4455W.

CEN-4460  Community Involvement  (3 Credits)  

Community support is essential to the success of conservation enforcement field personnel. Community support and relations will be developed and fostered through a variety of initiatives including educational/public involvement programs that complement their duties and benefit management and protection of natural resources. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to DCE-4460, DCE-460, CEN-4460W.

CEN-4465  Hazard Assessment and Public Safety  (3 Credits)  

An acquisition of skills and knowledge necessary to recognize and respond to public safety incidents. Students will be expected to actively participate in the planning and delivery of Occupational Health and Safety Standards, hazard recognition and mitigation. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to DCE-4465, DCE-465, CEN-4465W.

CEN-4470  Habitat Protection  (3 Credits)  

Students acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to interpret environmental legislation designed for natural habitat protection. Students utilize approved techniques to identify and investigate disturbances, and identify and evaluate incidents of non-compliance and develop appropriate courses of action. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to DCE-4470, DCE-470, CEN-4470W.

CEN-4475  Problem Wildlife Field Techniques  (3 Credits)  

Wildlife damage to crops, property, livestock as well as wildlife-human conflicts are complex and politically sensitive issues. Students develop competency in wildlife control, capture, and conflict prevention techniques. A large component of this course will deal with issues such as public safety, policies and procedures, depredation investigation and incident planning. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to DCE-4475, DCE-475, CEN-4475W.

CEN-4480  Administrative Techniques  (3 Credits)  

Students acquire, demonstrate and apply knowledge relevant to the placement agency/organization including organizational structure, administrative responsibilities, policies, procedures, directives and mandates. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to DCE-4480, DCE-480, CEN-4480W.

CEN-4485  Program Management  (3 Credits)  

Students will be directly involved with the planning, management and delivery of a program related to the field of conservation enforcement or habitat protection. Review and implementation of applicable agency policies applicable to the program will form the basis for program management. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to DCE-4485, DCE-485, CEN-4485W.

CEN-4491  Senior Enforcement Project  (6 Credits)  

A self-directed learning experience in which students research and report on key issues relevant to one or more of the goals of conservation law enforcement through a series of briefing notes. Topic selection must be relevant to the needs of the placement agency and location. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (6)

Equivalent to DCE-4491, DCE-491, CEN-4491W.

CEN-4496  Independent Study  (6 Credits)  

A self-directed learning experience in which students pursue a research topic encompassing one or more of the goals of conservation law enforcement. Students are required to demonstrate abilities in reviewing literature, collecting and analysing field data, and advanced written communication skills. Initial outlines of proposed studies require approval by the faculty supervisor. Not available for supplemental.

Independent Study (6)

Equivalent to DCE-4496, DCE-496.