Animal (ANM)

ANM-2250  Cow Calf Management  (3 Credits)  

Management, feeding and productivity of the breeding beef herd with an emphasis on feeding management, genetic and environmental interactions, nutrient cycling, marketing and current issues.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-2267, AGR-2289, AGR-289.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take ANM-2250L (Required, Concurrent).

ANM-2251  Animal Health  (3 Credits)  

Basic causes and characterists of infectious livestock diseases with an emphasis on identification, treatment and prevention. A herd health program is introduced aimed at reducing stress, minimizing treatment and improving overall production.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-2294, AGR-294.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take ANM-2251L (Required, Concurrent).

ANM-2252  Intensive Livestock Production  (3 Credits)  

Intensive livestock production field trips, reports and presentations with an emphasis on production, marketing/processing enterprises and feed processing facilities.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-2264, AGR-2287, AGR-287.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take ANM-2252L (Required, Concurrent).

ANM-2253  Beef Feedlot Management  (3 Credits)  

Management of feedlot cattle including feeding, growth and health, facility design and environmental impact, carcass quality and marketing.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-2268.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take ANM-2253L (Required, Concurrent).

ANM-2254  Animal Nutrition  (3 Credits)  

A study of the basics of nutrition including composition of feeds and nutritional requirements of animals. Partitioning of nutrients, factors affecting feeding efficiency, and animal production status are combined with feed bunk management and ration balancing.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-2280.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take ANM-2254L (Required, Concurrent).