Massage Therapy (MAS)

MAS-1122  Practicum I  (1.5 Credits)  

The application and reinforcement of basic information taught in massage theory classes. The simulated clinic provides a professional setting in which to practice basic knowledge and techniques, covering areas of draping, bolstering, positioning and turning clients. Introduction to record-keeping, filing systems and journal entries are taught. FOIP and other confidentiality concerns are covered. Body mechanics and personal safety issues are addressed and monitored for both student and client. Students will begin to develop an ethical professionalism. All time will be spent on campus. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (1.5)

Equivalent to MAS-122.

MAS-1125  Practicum II  (3 Credits)  

In this practicum students begin working in the on-campus massage clinic and at various community-based events. Students will build upon their knowledge and skills acquired in previous courses. Students will further develop their understanding of terminology, anatomy and physiology, pathology, assessments and professional-client communication. Practicum requires approximately 190 hours of work in student clinic and the community.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to MAS-1125W.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-1122 (Required, Previous).

MAS-1130  Pathology  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of pathology as it relates to basic structure and functioning of body systems, providing students with a clear understanding of the topic. In detail study, the course examines pathology as it relates to massage and painful tissues. Students will learn which pathologies they can and cannot affect with massage therapy.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to MAS-130.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1160 (Required, Previous).

MAS-1140  Basic Massage  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to practical massage techniques and theory. It includes physiological, psychological and mechanical effects of massage, indications and contraindications as well as introduction to strokes. Work involves hands-on practice. At the end of the course, students will be able to competently perform a full body massage.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (3.0)

Equivalent to MAS-140.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-1140L (Required, Concurrent). Take BIO-1160 (Required, Concurrent).

MAS-1152  Professional Practices Massage Therapy  (3 Credits)  

Students will develop an understanding and broaden their knowledge of issues such as professionalism, boundaries, communication with clients and allied health disciplines, healthy work environments, ethics, informed consent, confidentiality, and other contemporary issues.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to MAS-2252, MAS-252, MAS-144.

MAS-1157  Massage Techniques I  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of a variety of therapeutic techniques that treat deep tissue pathologies. Various advanced techniques and their theories including neuromuscular therapy, sports massage, ice massage, trigger point therapy and cross fiber friction will be addressed. Upon completion of the course, it is expected that the student will have a strong understanding of the anatomical and physiological mechanisms of common soft tissue injuries and be able to apply the advanced techniques taught to successfully treat a variety of conditions.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to MAS-157, MAS-251, MAS-141.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-1140 (Required, Previous). Take MAS-1157L (Required, Concurrent).

MAS-2250  Advanced Massage  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of massage treatment techniques and advanced strokes are explored in greater depth and incorporates treatment of acute to chronic pathologies/conditions, building upon the basics learned in previous courses. Students are expected to participate in hands-on practice to integrate the theory with skills.

Instruction (1.0), Lab (3.0)

Equivalent to MAS-250, MAS-145.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-1140 (Required, Previous). Take MAS-2250L (Required, Concurrent).

MAS-2253  Assessment for Massage Therapists I  (3 Credits)  

A skills-based approach helping train students to effectively interview a client and perform a basic physical assessment. Students will learn gait, palpation, joint, nerve and muscle testing assessment techniques. Pathologies and conditions will be assessed, contraindications addressed, as well as special tests for each part of the body. This course deals with the lower extremities of the body. Interpretation of the information, development of a care/treatment plan and documentation for communication with other health care professionals will be addressed.

Instruction (1.5), Lab (1.5)

Equivalent to MAS-253, MAS-126.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-1140 (Required, Previous). Take MAS-2253L (Required, Concurrent).

MAS-2254  Special Populations I  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to integrating complex dysfunctions and pathologies that massage therapists will encounter in their practices with appropriate treatment protocols. The special populations covered will be either pathology based or mechanically based. Each module will move students through the process the dysfunction/pathology takes and the treatment protocol that would be implemented. It is expected that students will integrate techniques covered in previous courses and also begin to show acquired knowledge skills. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (3.0)

Equivalent to MAS-254, MAS-121.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-1140 (Required, Previous). Take MAS-2254L (Required, Concurrent).

MAS-2255  Practicum III  (3 Credits)  

The application of experience previously gained in theory and practicum courses. The individual will be able to demonstrate skills, competency and confidence in providing client-focused massage treatments. Students will work in the on-campus clinic, community-based work experiences and a professional preceptorship. Practicum requires approximately 190 hours of work in student clinic and the community.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to MAS-255, MAS-124, MAS-2255W.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-1125 (Required, Previous).

MAS-2257  Massage Techniques II  (3 Credits)  

An application of advanced massage and hydrotherapy techniques in a spa and esthetic practice setting. Addresses the physiological effects of several techniques including paraffin dips, wraps, mud applications and skin exfoliation. Instruction in contraindications, technical protocols and treatment modifications allow for the incorporation of a variety of spa and esthetic techniques into a traditional massage treatment. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (1.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to MAS-257, MAS-142.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-2257L (Required, Concurrent).

MAS-2258  Assessment for Massage Therapists II  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of assessment that builds upon the skills acquired in Assessment for Massage Therapists I. Orthopedic assessment procedures are reviewed. Course content focuses on the upper extremities, including the development of assessment and care/treatment plans of the upper body.

Instruction (1.5), Lab (1.5)

Equivalent to MAS-258, MAS-128.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-2253 (Required, Previous). Take MAS-2258L (Required, Concurrent).

MAS-2259  Practicum IV  (3 Credits)  

The application of theory and skills that allows for the development and presentation of a comprehensive treatment plan for clients with specific pathologies. Students provide treatment to the clients in the on-campus clinic. Participation in mentorship, leadership and community events will take place. Practicum requires approximately 160 hours of work in student clinic and the community.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to MAS-259, MAS-2259W.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-2255 (Required, Previous).

MAS-2260  Special Populations II  (3 Credits)  

Builds upon knowledge and skills learned in Special Populations I, including more complex pathologies as well as the manifestation of multiple pathologies and how to approach the treatment of the increasingly complex client. The focus is on therapeutic massage for clients with special needs such as chronic disease conditions and disabilities, seniors, and post-surgical clients.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to MAS-260.

Requisite courses: Take MAS-2254 (Required, Previous). Take MAS-2260L (Required, Concurrent).

MAS-2262  Integrated Practices in Massage Therapy  (3 Credits)  

The examination and exploration of issues and the effects of adjunctive therapies from the perspective of improving client outcomes. Pharmacology and nutrition will be explored to develop a framework to better assess and treat clients of massage therapy. Current literature and research will be used to further broaden and evaluate the topics of study. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Requisite courses: Take MAS-1130 (Required, Previous). TAKE MAS-1152 (Required, Previous). TAKE MAS-2255 (Required, Previous).