Justice Studies (JUS)

JUS-3350  Victimology  (3 Credits)  

A study of the history, theories, statistical documentation and experiences of victims of crime. Content includes an exploration of the role and range of victim services, the role of media as it relates to victims and the methodology of restorative justice. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to JUS-3363, COR-3350, COR-350.

JUS-3351  Introduction to Research Methods in Justice  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to research methodology used in the field of justice. Focus is on applied or action research. Topics include ethical practices, research skills, critical analysis of information sources and introductory data analysis. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-3352  Social Justice  (3 Credits)  

A study of the interrelationship between political processes, the legal system and social issues. Focus is on the analysis of factors that impact policy related to policing and corrections, the effects of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on criminal law and the influence of societal dynamics on the provision of justice services. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to JUS-3362.

JUS-3357  Contemporary Youth Justice in Canada  (3 Credits)  

An analysis of the youth justice system in Canada. Emphasis is on interpretation of federal legislation and its application in programming and treatment by various youth agencies. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-3360  Indigenous Peoples and Culture in Justice  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of the diversity of Indigenous cultures before European contact, the effects of European colonization as well as Indigenous spirituality, traditional values and rules of behavior. Topics include the renaissance of Indigenous culture, the over representation of Indigenous peoples who come in contact with the justice system, and healing and intervention programs implemented in cooperation with Indigenous communities. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to COR-3360, COR-360.

JUS-3362  Human Rights, Diversity & Social Incl  (3 Credits)  

This course is an overview of principles of human rights, diversity, and social inclusion as they relate to the provision of justice and human services in Canada. Students will explore historical roots of inequality, colonialism, discrimination, and marginalization. The impact of human rights legislation and the influence of people and movements on social change are discussed. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to JUS-3352.

JUS-3363  Victims in Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

A study of the impacts of crime on victims. The focus is on victims' needs, their experiences navigating the criminal justice system, and the role of first responders and others who provide support and services to victims of crime. There is also an exploration of the social reaction to victimization, the role of the media, the value of restorative justice practices, and how to better assist victims of crime in the future. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to JUS-3350, COR-3350, COR-350.

JUS-3369  Program Evaluation  (3 Credits)  

An overview of techniques of program evaluation. Working from initial conception of evaluation, planning, observation gathering, analysis, report writing and presentation. Determining the depth and extent of services required, tracking implementation plans, and measuring the effectiveness of services utilizing research methods and concepts from several social science disciplines. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3351 (Required, Previous).

JUS-3372  Directed Topics in Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

An opportunity to research one or more topics of interest related to the field of justice. Consultation with the instructor will determine the expectations, criteria and timelines of the course assignments. Not available for supplemental.

Independent Study (3)

JUS-3373  Community Policing  (3 Credits)  

Explores community-based approaches to operational policing engagement and mobilization in Canada and other western democracies. The theoretical framework upon which the premises of community policing, problem-oriented policing and other pro-active models of policing are structured will be examined. Emphasis is given to key partnerships, organizational change, problem solving, and the impact community based approaches have on police legitimacy and accountability. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-3374  Crime Prevention  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the field of crime prevention in which various historical and contemporary crime prevention strategies will be analyzed. Students will examine the theoretical foundations of crime prevention and explore how policing intersects with community involvement to enhance community safety. This course includes a capstone project where students will develop a solution to a current problem through a crime prevention perspective. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-3375  Restorative Justice  (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to the history and philosophy of restorative justice throughout the different stages of the justice process. Students will examine current restorative justice models in contrast to the retributive/punitive western models of justice. An evaluation of restorative justice models across law enforcement, corrections, community agencies and crime prevention. The students will critically examine a variety of processes and models of restorative justice with an emphasis on program effectiveness, crime prevention, reduction and enhancing public safety. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-3378  Women in Justice  (3 Credits)  

The analysis of women's issues from three perspectives: global, the role of women as professionals in the justice system, and the special needs of female offenders including current initiatives to address them. Topics include the challenges women face working in predominately male environments and the effects and influences which women have as professionals. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to COR-3378, COR-378, JUS-4462.

JUS-3387  Crisis Management  (3 Credits)  

A study of crisis management skills necessary for the resolution of incidents common to justice environments. Emphasis is on the crisis management model, using a threat/risk assessment process, perpetrator profiling and crisis communications. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to COR-3387, COR-387.

JUS-3388  Orientation to Directed Field Studies  (1.5 Credits)  

An orientation to directed field studies (DFS) designed to provide the knowledge and skills required for the DFS component of the Bachelor of Applied Arts in Justice Studies degree (4th year). Topics include DFS roles and responsibilities, the theory and practice of work-based learning, and the identification of suitable placements. Students will complete a course plan for their fourth year of study. Completion of this course is a pre-requisite for all fourth year (DFS) courses. Not eligible for Prior Learning Assessment. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (1.5)

JUS-4450  Directed Topics in Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

An opportunity to research one or more topics of interest related to the field of justice. Consultation with the instructor will determine the expectations, criteria and timelines of the course assignments. DFS environment not required. Not available for supplemental.

Independent Study (3)

Equivalent to IND-4450, IND-450.

JUS-4452  Analysis of Professional Relationships  (3 Credits)  

An analysis of the different types of interactions between a professional and their client(s). Areas to be considered: agency expectations, nature of the client(s), interviewing/counseling skills, and strategies to overcome resistance. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4452W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4453  Policies and Procedures in Justice  (3 Credits)  

An applied study of how the organizational structure, policies and procedures and decision-making processes affect the operations of a justice environment. A comparison across environments will support a critical assessment of the functionality of current practices. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4453W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4454  Applied Conflict Management  (3 Credits)  

An analysis of how conflict is handled in the Directed Field Study environment, both personally and organizationally. A critique of conflict management models and assessment of stress reduction strategies are covered. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4454W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4455  Comparative Justice Systems  (3 Credits)  

A research course comparing justice practices in three other countries with those in Canada. A review of literature and analysis of data will compare values, limitations, practices and effectiveness of the outcomes of the selected systems. DFS environment not required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to COR-4455, COR-455, JUS-4455W.

JUS-4457  Community Involvement for Professionals  (3 Credits)  

An assessment of one's involvement in a community organization or project as it relates to the role of a justice professional. Consultation with the instructor will determine the expectations, criteria and timelines of the course assignments. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to COR-4457, COR-457, JUS-4457W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4461  Identified Population Study  (3 Credits)  

A survey of the needs of an identified sub group served by the Directed Field Study (DFS) environment. Current literature is reviewed in relation to the demographics and characteristics of the sub group. Resources provided to the identified group will be assessed. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to COR-4461, COR-461, JUS-4461W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4462  Gender & Justice  (3 Credits)  

Intersectional analysis of gender in justice professionals and public safety clients across the justice process including crime and criminality. Study of historical and current global gender-related challenges, opportunities, and perspectives in the justice process and organizations. Examination of the relationships between organizational policy, leadership, culture, subculture, and gender. Assessment of gender, policy, the law, the justice process and organizations with regard to intersectionality and systemic changes. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to JUS-3378.

JUS-4463  Advanced Social Policy  (3 Credits)  

An advanced study of the construction, implementation, and evaluation of social policy with a focus on justice related themes. Themes include the forces that influence social policy, theories that drive social and criminal justice policymaking as applied to real world examples, and the relationships between social policy and criminal justice. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-4464  Applied Research 1  (3 Credits)  

The proposal phase of an applied research project. Activities to be completed include: identification of parameters of the project, literature review, clarification of the research question(s), and proposal of research methods. Implementation in the DFS environment would require obtaining applicable permissions. DFS environment recommended but not required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4464W, RSR-4460.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3351 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4465  Diversity Seminar  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of the cultural make-up of an environment or community. Research will form a base for assessing the cultural dynamics of an environment/community in relation to justice practices. DFS environment not required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4465W.

JUS-4468  Applied Research II  (3 Credits)  

The implementation phase of an applied research project. Following the proposal created in the Applied Research 1 course, the research process is implemented, and the findings documented, evaluated and presented. DFS environment recommended but not required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4468W, RSR-4462.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-4464 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4469  Program Development and Management  (3 Credits)  

An application and evaluation of program development and management skills. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4469W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3351 (Required, Previous). Take JUS-3369 (Required, Previous). Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4470  Addictions and Mental Health  (3 Credits)  

An overview of mental health, illness and addictions and their relationships with society, the justice system and justice organizations. Research and theory on mental health, mental illness and addictions as well as complications and limitations of these are examined. The politics of mental health, mental illness and addictions are examined through government, societal and organizational responses including current debates in trends. Practical implications for policy related to law, health care and the justice system are examined. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-4471  Forensic Psychology  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the study of psychology and how it relates to legal and criminal justice contexts and issues, including policing procedures, court room-related concerns and post-conviction processes. These issues will be discussed, where possible, through a Canadian lens. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-4472  Risk Assessment & Management  (3 Credits)  

An overview of theories and evidence-based approaches of threat and risk assessment for identifying and mitigating natural threats, potential acts of violent criminality, terrorism, organized and serious crimes, and cyber security. Addresses the evaluation and management of credible threats, focusing on natural threat events, stalking, acts of violence, school and workplace threats, threats against public officials, terrorist, organized crime and cyber security. Students will evaluate previous threat and risk management successes and failures. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-4473  Seminar in Black Studies  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of the history, policies and politics that have impacted the experience of Black communities with a focus on the Canadian criminal justice system. Includes an examination of how government-sanctioned institutions shape society's understanding of Blackness as well as effects of these institutions on Black communities. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-4474  Safety in the Justice Environment  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of health and safety issues in a justice environment. Areas to be considered: legislation, workplace safety issues, accident investigation techniques and related documentation, and educational programs related to health and safety issues. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to COR-4474, COR-474, JUS-4474W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4475  Critical Incident Analysis  (3 Credits)  

An analysis of one or more critical incidents that have occurred in the DFS environment. Consultation with the instructor will determine the expectations, criteria and timelines of the course assignments. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to COR-4475, COR-475, JUS-4475W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4476  Special Topics  (3 Credits)  

The exploration of substantive topics, problems, and issues not covered in other courses, but are important to the contemporary study in the field of justice and the professional development of students. Topics will vary each semester and may be related to practical and political implications of theories, law enforcement, courts, corrections, and past or current justice related subjects. Specific topics will be determined by the instructor. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

JUS-4480  Community Relationship Analysis  (3 Credits)  

A survey and critique of initiatives used in the DFS environment to strengthen cross agency connections and community relations and to build community capacity. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4480W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4481  Strategic Planning/Project Management  (3 Credits)  

A study and application of strategic planning and project management strategies. A comparison of strategic planning and/or project management processes leads to an opportunity to utilize and evaluate a selected process. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4481W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4482  Human Resources Management Justice Organizations  (3 Credits)  

An analysis of the management model used in the DFS environment as it relates to communication, planning, decision making and conflict resolution. Other areas to be considered include: mentorship strategies, stress management, professional development programs and relationships between management and the union(s). DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4482W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4483  Applied Leadership Justice Organizations  (3 Credits)  

An analysis of leadership styles and strategies used in the DFS environment. Formal and informal means to handle conflict and strategies to create effective teams are addressed. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4483W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).

JUS-4484  Financial Management in Justice Organizations  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of the purpose, components and implications of the budgeting process in the DFS environment. DFS environment is required. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to JUS-4484W.

Requisite courses: Take JUS-3388 (Required, Previous).