Interior Design (IDM)

IDM-1155  Professional Practice  (3 Credits)  

A detailed exposition to a variety of design topics and areas of expertise. Immersive and spatial industries are studied and examined as they relate to human behavior, design assessment, business and economy. Students produce an extensive range of projects and proposals showcasing their broad understanding in a variety of design-related fields. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to IDM-155.

IDM-1158  Representations I  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to drawing as a means of communication. Mechanical perspective and free hand drawing techniques are explored digitally through tablet software. Rendering skills are developed to convey form and depth, light and shadow. Attention placed on creating professional drawing presentations. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (1.0), Tutorial (1.0)

Equivalent to IDM-158, IDM-154.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1158T (Required, Concurrent).

IDM-1159  Representations II  (3 Credits)  

Second level drawing class that further explores mechanical perspective and free hand drawing techniques digitally through tablet software. Rendering skills are enhanced to further communicate creative exploration of ideas integral to the design process. Professional presentations are emphasized. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to IDM-159, IDM-156.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1158 (Required, Previous).

IDM-1163  Design History I  (3 Credits)  

An exploration of the development of design history of western civilization and the impact of physical, socio-economic, political and cultural environments on historical design. Focus is on design styles, designers, architects, periods, movements and materials. Time frame is from Ancient Civilizations into the 18th century. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

IDM-1167  Interior Detailing I  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to detailing and residential construction. Manual and digital drafting skills are developed with a focus on scaled plotting, line work, architectural symbols, and standard drafting practices. Detailed components relating to standard wood frame construction are examined. Projects are focused on the development of work drawings and related construction documents including floor plans, elevations, sections and schedules. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (1.0), Tutorial (1.0)

Equivalent to IDM-167, IDM-166.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1190 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-1167L (Required, Concurrent). Take IDM-1167T (Required, Concurrent).

IDM-1170  Colour and Lighting  (3 Credits)  

An in-depth study of colour and lighting theory and application as it relates to interior design. Cultural, behavioural and psychological studies are examined in conjunction with technical aspects of colour and lighting, client interaction and design. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to IDM-170.

IDM-1173  Design History II  (3 Credits)  

A continuation exploration of the development of design history of western civilization and the impact of physical, socio-economic, political and cultural environments on historical design. Focus is on design styles, designers, architects, periods, movements and materials. Time frame is from the 18th century to contemporary. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1163 (Required, Previous).

IDM-1179  Design Fundamentals  (3 Credits)  

An overview of the basic elements and principles of design. Understanding of the human-built environment is explored creatively using two- and three-dimensional problem-solving techniques in a digital environment. Space, form, and context are analyzed and applied to various design challenges utilizing fundamental industry design software and digital applications. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (1.0), Tutorial (1.0)

Equivalent to IDM-179.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1179L (Required, Concurrent). Take IDM-1179T (Required, Concurrent).

IDM-1181  Residential Design Studio  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the basic elements and principles of residential design theory. Applied projects will utilize basic design problem-solving processes which include consideration of the physical, functional and psychological needs of varying users. Ergonomic and anthropometric data are spatially considered and implemented into residential interior spaces. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (1.0), Tutorial (1.0)

Equivalent to IDM-181, IDM-180.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1179 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-1190 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-1158 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-1181L (Required, Concurrent). Take IDM-1181T (Required, Concurrent).

IDM-1190  Digital Drafting  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to various digital drafting software used in design and architectural practice. Emphasis will be on the basic applications and commands using industry-standard AutoCAD software. Topics will range from the initial setup and basic knowledge of program function, problem-solving drawing exercises, through to production and printing of a full set of two-dimensional working drawings. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (1.0), Tutorial (1.0)

Equivalent to IDM-190.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1190L (Required, Concurrent). Take IDM-1190T (Required, Concurrent).

IDM-2255  Materials and Finishes  (3 Credits)  

An overview of interior materials, elements, finishes and finishing techniques. Sustainability, durability and maintenance schedules are assessed for a variety of synthetic and natural materials. Research and critical analysis components and a hands-on approach will be emphasized. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to IDM-255.

IDM-2267  Interior Detailing II  (3 Credits)  

Design and detailing of components for commercial interiors, millwork, wall types and construction and floor and roof construction. A detailed set of working architectural drawings are produced and collaborative millwork drawings are produced in relation to Design Studio projects. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (1.0), Tutorial (1.0)

Equivalent to IDM-267.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1167 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-2267L (Required, Concurrent). Take IDM-2267T (Required, Concurrent).

IDM-2275  Digital Modelling and Animation  (3 Credits)  

A supplementary course building upon the foundational digital drafting and illustration concepts and skills, integrating a variety of photo realistic rendering software and animation technology. Focuses on creating digital still images in varied exterior environments. Production of professional interior animations showcasing a variety of commercial spaces in a realistic virtual world. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Requisite courses: Take IDM-2290 (Required, Previous).

IDM-2276  Professional Portfolio  (3 Credits)  

An integration of all course projects, illustration work and digital modelling into a professionally developed design portfolio in both print and online formats. Emphasis is on using a variety of visual and digital techniques to enhance design work, showcasing learning outcomes and skills. Incorporation of portfolio presentation in an interview setting. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Requisite courses: Take IDM-2290 (Required, Previous).

IDM-2277  Practicum  (3 Credits)  

A culminating course utilizing skills acquired from core courses to be completed through a placement with a design-related employer. Practical application of professional interior design resume writing, interview skills, and work experience will be introduced. Industry standard equipment, professional site and relevant expertise will be provided to properly offer a complete work experience that supports learning outcomes. Placements must include guidance of a qualified supervisor operating in a student's chosen field and requires 120 hours of work experience. Not available for supplemental.

Work Integrated Learning (3)

Equivalent to IDM-2277W.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1170 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-1181 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-1190 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-2255 (Required, Previous).

IDM-2278  Corporate Design Studio  (3 Credits)  

An intermediate level design studio course exploring commercial corporate design. Emphasis is on planning, functional requirements, and aesthetic considerations in designing corporate interior environments. An examination of building code requirements, barrier-free access, and sustainable design practices. Includes steps in the client consultation process from programming to presentation techniques. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (1.0), Tutorial (1.0)

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1181 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-1190 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-2278L (Required, Concurrent). Take IDM-2278T (Required, Concurrent).

IDM-2279  Global Design Trends  (3 Credits)  

An explorative look at design trends around the world. Assessment of sustainability, indoor environmental quality, universal design, building systems, technology and architecture. Applying current design considerations and practices into commercial applications with geographical and cultural requirements. In-depth examination of local and global design problems using a variety of visual and digital communication methods. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3)

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1173 (Required, Previous).

IDM-2287  Hospitality Design Studio  (6 Credits)  

An advanced level design studio course exploring hospitality design featuring retail, restaurant and hotel interior design. Emphasis is on planning, functional requirements, and aesthetic considerations in designing hospitality interior environments. Topics covered include hospitality client needs, branding, space planning, material and furniture selection, building code requirements, barrier-free access, sustainable design practice, and presentation techniques used in the design of hospitality interior spaces. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0), Tutorial (2.0)

Equivalent to IDM-287, IDM-284.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1181 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-2290 (Required, Previous). Take IDM-2287L (Required, Concurrent). Take IDM-2287T (Required, Concurrent).

IDM-2290  Bldg Information Modeling  (3 Credits)  

Builds upon existing knowledge and software skills acquired in digital drafting while integrating a variety of computer aided drawing and design technology. Emphasis will be on three-dimensional drawing, modeling, and rendering of interior spaces and components. Various digital illustration software will be utilized to develop conceptual drawings, working drawing, and design presentations. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (1.0), Tutorial (1.0)

Equivalent to IDM-290.

Requisite courses: Take IDM-1190 (Required, Previous).