Commercial Greenhouse Technician (CGT)

CGT-1150  Commercial Greenhouse Basics  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to greenhouse systems, their components, and their relative strengths and weaknesses under certain conditions. The focus will be on different grow methods, describing the function of the components of greenhouse systems, as well as describing the advantages and disadvantages of different grow methods under different conditions.

Instruction (1.0), Work Integrated Learning (6.0)

Requisite courses: Take CGT-1150W (Required, Concurrent).

CGT-1151  Greenhouse Plant Physiology  (3 Credits)  

A study of plant, environmental, and nutrient requirements in soilless production including the basics of plant growth and maturation with a focus on maximizing yield.

Instruction (1.0), Work Integrated Learning (6.0)

Requisite courses: Take CGT-1151W (Required, Concurrent).

CGT-1152  Greenhouse Facility Design  (3 Credits)  

A foundational insight into greenhouse mechanics including maintenance, logistics and benefits of a well-designed soilless facility.

Instruction (1.0), Work Integrated Learning (6.0)

Requisite courses: Take CGT-1152W (Required, Concurrent).

CGT-1153  Greenhouse Integrated Pest Management  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the principles and methods of Integrated Pest Management for crops in greenhouse operations.

Instruction (1.0), Work Integrated Learning (6.0)

Requisite courses: Take CGT-1153W (Required, Concurrent).

CGT-1154  Greenhouse Water Quality  (3 Credits)  

Focusing on water quality, this course builds an understanding of required chemistry, accurate use of meters and chemical test kits, and appropriate responses to quickly correct water quality problems.

Instruction (1.0), Work Integrated Learning (6.0)

Requisite courses: Take CGT-1154W (Required, Concurrent).

CGT-1155  Greenhouse Food Safety  (3 Credits)  

Identification of food safety practices and risks in greenhouse food production. An understanding of hazard analysis and critical control points will be emphasized focusing on employee and consumer health.

Instruction (1.0), Work Integrated Learning (6.0)

Requisite courses: Take CGT-1155W (Required, Concurrent).

CGT-1156  Greenhouse Human Resources  (3 Credits)  

A survey of management strategies and theories to support the effective leadership of people. Topics covered will include coaching and team development, respect in the workplace, communication skills, change management and mental health awareness.

Instruction (3)