Agriculture (AGR)

AGR-1152  Agriculture Research Study  (3 Credits)  

Under the mentorship of an agriculture researcher, a student is engaged in a semester-long applied research project in agriculture. Approval of the Chair of the School of Agriculture is required and employment opportunities may be associated with the course. Not available for supplemental. Not eligible for Prior Learning Assessment.

Work Experience (3)

Requisite courses: Take AGR-1164 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-1168 (Required, Previous). Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take ENG-1154 (Required, Previous). Take IRR-1152 (Required, Previous). Take PLT-1152 (Required, Previous). Take PLT-1155 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2253 (Required, Previous).

AGR-1169  Agriculture Soils  (3 Credits)  

A theoretical, laboratory, and field techniques approach to the study and management of agricultural soils with an emphasis on the soils of Western Canada. Theory includes soil formation, physical, chemical and biological soil properties. Laboratory and field techniques introduce students to soil classification, management of salinity, acidity, erosion, tillage and precipitation to optimize crop production. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-1168, AGR-168, AGR-172, SOL-1150.

Requisite courses: Take AGR-1169L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-1171  Agriculture Issues  (3 Credits)  

The changing demands of agriculture and food production, emerging technologies, consumer preferences and food safety, diversification, government policy and social license are evaluated. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (1.5), Lab (1.5)

Equivalent to IRR-1152, IRR-152, AGR-193, AGS-4450.

Requisite courses: Take AGR-1171L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2250  Agriculture Finance  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to finance concepts and their application in an agricultural context. Topics include the interpretation of financial information, terminology, investment analysis, sensitivity analysis, and asset valuation. Conceptual learning will be applied with practical computer lab exercises.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGS-1150, AGR-250, AGR-253, AGR-283, AGR-150.

Requisite courses: Take AGR-2250L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2252  Agriculture Research Study  (6 Credits)  

Under the mentorship of an agriculture researcher, a student is engaged in a two-semester long applied research project in agriculture. Approval of the Chair of the School of Agriculture is required and employment opportunities may be associated with the course. Not available for supplemental. Not eligible for Prior Learning Assessment.

Work Experience (6)

Requisite courses: Take AGR-1164 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-1168 (Required, Previous). Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take ENG-1154 (Required, Previous). Take IRR-1152 (Required, Previous). Take PLT-1152 (Required, Previous). Take PLT-1155 (Required, Previous). Take RRM-2253 (Required, Previous).

AGR-2256  Precision Agriculture  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the concepts and applications of map reading, remote sensing, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies for precision agricultural applications. Topics include raster and vector data structures, geo-referencing, map and digital image interpretation, spatial data acquisition methods, data integration and basic analysis techniques for data-driven agricultural applications. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (3.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGS-2280.

Requisite courses: Take AGR-2256L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2261  Sustainable Agriculture  (3 Credits)  

A study of theory and practical applications for optimizing long-term returns in agricultural systems while maintaining the long-term viability of natural resources. Topics include possible contaminants in natural, urban and rural environments, preservation of soil, air and water, best practices for resource management and social license. A diversity of farming systems, including conventional, organic, urban agriculture and agroforestry are covered. Emphasis is on the development of an Environmental Farm Plan that combines field assessments with best management practices.

Instruction (3)

Equivalent to AGR-261, AGR-258, AGS-2255.

Requisite courses: Take AGR-1168 (Required, Previous). Take IRR-1152 (Required, Previous). Take PLT-1152 (Required, Previous).

AGR-2263  Greenhouse Management  (3 Credits)  

Introductory horticulture and greenhouse management with a focus on vegetable, fruit production and novel crops including the incorporation of aquaponics. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to PLT-2264.

Requisite courses: Take PLT-1152 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-2263L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2264  Intensive Livestock Production  (3 Credits)  

Intensive livestock production field trips, reports and presentations with an emphasis on dairy, swine and poultry industries focusing on production, marketing/processing enterprises and feed processing facilities. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-2287, AGR-287, ANM-2252.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-2264L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2266  Soil Fertility  (3 Credits)  

Plant nutrient forms, transformations, possible fates and cycles in soils are examined, with an emphasis on Western Canadian agricultural systems. Topics include agronomic practices to enhance soil fertility and nutrient utilization by plants. Techniques for soil sampling, manure application, composting, and commercial fertilizer placement are described. Calculations of commercial fertilizer and manure application rates to meet crop requirements and potential costs per unit of land are covered.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-266, SOL-2250.

Requisite courses: Take RRM-2253 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-2266L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2267  Cow Calf Management  (3 Credits)  

Management, feeding and productivity of the breeding beef herd with an emphasis on feeding management, genetic and environmental interactions, nutrient cycling, marketing and current issues. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-2289, AGR-289, ANM-2250.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-2267L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2268  Beef Feedlot Management  (3 Credits)  

Management of feedlot cattle including feeding, growth and health, facility design and environmental impact, carcass quality and marketing. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to ANM-2253.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-2268L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2270  Agricultural Business Law  (3 Credits)  

This course covers the legal aspects of the farm business. Topics include the court system, contract law, land law, leases, surface rights, expropriation, real estate transactions, secured and unsecured credit, bankruptcy and insolvency.

Instruction (4)

Equivalent to AGR-270.

AGR-2280  Animal Nutrition  (3 Credits)  

A study of the basics of nutrition including composition of feeds and nutritional requirements of animals. Partitioning of nutrients, factors affecting feeding efficiency, and animal production status are combined with feed bunk management and ration balancing. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-280, ANM-2254.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-2280L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2286  Agricultural Business Management  (3 Credits)  

An introduction to the management of agribusiness, concentrating on the planning, organizing, directing and controlling functions of management. Case studies and practical exercises will be employed to emphasize the relationship that management has with profitability. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (4)

Equivalent to AGR-286.

AGR-2291  Ruminant Production  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses primarily on sheep and dairy production in Southern Alberta. An overview of the industry, marketing and production requirements are covered in addition to breeding, nutrition, management, and environmental concerns for both species. Labs will be conducted primarily at producer facilities to ensure current management practices and equipment are studied. Not available for supplemental.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-291.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-2291L (Required, Concurrent).

AGR-2294  Animal Health  (3 Credits)  

Basic causes and characteristics of infectious livestock diseases with an emphasis on identification, treatment and prevention. A herd health program is introduced aimed at reducing stress, minimizing treatment and improving overall production.

Instruction (2.0), Lab (2.0)

Equivalent to AGR-294, ANM-2251.

Requisite courses: Take BIO-1175 (Required, Previous). Take AGR-2294L (Required, Concurrent).