
Application Processing Fee

  • If you are a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a refugee in Canada, your application processing fee is $100 CAD (subject to change) and is non-refundable and non-transferable. When applying online, you can use your VISA or Mastercard on our secure site.
  • If you are an international student, temporary resident (with a study permit, work permit, or visitor visa), or living in Canada but do not have a permanent resident or refugee status, your application processing fee is $150 and is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Changing Programs: Applicants are given one (1) opportunity to change their application, for the same term, from one program to a different program by completing a Change of Program form prior to the application deadline - with no additional application processing fee. Current students wishing to change programs for a future term may do so by completing a Change of Program form.


Tuition fees are based on the credits of the course. Athletic fees, technology fees, supplies, GST, and other fees, as applicable, are assessed and charged in addition to these tuition fees. The 2024-2025 Student Fee Schedules had not been finalized as of the date of publication of this calendar. Please check Lethbridge College’s website for the 2024-25 tuition fee rates on courses and programs and other fees that are applicable for these services.

Projected Credit Tuition Rate for Subsequent Periods: The Alberta Advanced Education Tuition Fee Policy requires institutions to publish four-year credit tuition fee projections in their calendars. In addition to the confirmed 2024-2025 credit tuition fee rates as listed on the website, the planned credit tuition rates for 2025-26, 2026-27 and 2027-2028 will be set in accordance with the parameters of the Tuition Fee Policy.

The projections for the subsequent periods will be based upon the Province of Alberta consumer price index (CPI) rate.

These rates are subject to annual review and adjustment as determined by Lethbridge College’s four-year business plan cycle in conjunction with student consultation. Athletic fees and certain other fees are not included in these projections as they are not subject to the Provincial Tuition Fee Policy and they may be adjusted annually.

Students’ Association Fees

Student membership fees are established and governed through the bylaws of the Lethbridge College Students’ Association (LCSA). LCSA fees are mandatory for all students enrolled in credit courses.

LCSA fees are assessed upon College registration and are due and payable under the same terms and conditions as tuition fees.

The 2024-2025 Students’ Association fees are assessed at $5.45 per credit for students enrolled in credit courses. Credit courses offered at satellite campuses, through Online Learning and practicum courses, are assessed at $2.44 per credit.

Students’ Association fees collected are distributed to the accounts of the LCSA as follows:

Fund Percentage
Operations 59%
Campus Recreation 24%
Cave & Student Events 12%
Wellness 3%
Food Bank 1%
Dayplanner 1%

Health And Dental Plan Fees

The LCSA has implemented Extended Health and Dental plans for students. Extended Health and Dental fees are mandatory for all students who meet the eligibility criteria. All LCSA fees are assessed upon College registration, meeting eligibility, and are due and payable under the same terms and conditions as tuition fees.

Fees for the LCSA Health and Dental plans are as follows:

Annual • Provides 1 year of coverage from beginning of term billed in.

Health Dental Total
$147.00 $147.00 $294.00

You may opt-out of the plan if you provide proof of comparable coverage for an extended health and/or dental care benefits plan and complete a waiver form before the opt-out deadline.

Any questions regarding LCSA Fees including the Extended Health and Dental fees should be directed to the LCSA Office 403.320.3373.

Legal Coverage

The LCSA has implemented Legal Coverage for students. Legal Coverage fees are mandatory for all students who meet the eligibility criteria. All LCSA fees are assessed upon College registration, meeting eligibility, and are due and payable under the same terms and conditions as tuition fees.

Fees for the LCSA Legal coverage are as follows:

Provides 1 year of coverage from beginning of term billed in. $20.00

You may opt-out of the plan by completing a waiver form before the opt-out deadline. Any questions regarding LCSA Fees including the Legal Fees should be directed to the LCSA Office 403.320.3373.

Technology Infrastructure Fee

This is a compulsory fee assessed to students enrolling in any credit course (except for apprenticeship programs) at Lethbridge College. The fee supports the on-going maintenance and upgrades to administrative systems that support the entire College infrastructure.

As such, it is considered a “mandatory non-instructional fee” and, therefore, is subject to Alberta Advanced Education Public Post-Secondary Institutions’ Tuition Fees Regulations. Any subsequent changes to this fee rate will be included in the consultative process with the student body just as is required with fees applicable under the Tuition Fee Policy guidelines. Visa students are charged the same rate as Canadian residents for this fee.

Mobile Learning

Lethbridge College offers several computer technology intensive programs which incorporate the latest software and hardware into its curriculum to enhance teaching, learning, and graduate employability.

Students enrolled in the following programs are required to purchase a mobile device from Lethbridge College complete with program specific software:

  • Civil Engineering Technology
  • Engineering Design Technology

For further information about mobile device fees, click here.

Additional Fees

There may be additional charges for field trip costs and for other items in a particular course. These charges will form part of the course cost at the time of registration and be in addition to the mandatory fees.

Supplemental Examination

100% of one credit value of the applicable course tuition fee rate.

Prior Learning Assessment

Fees assessed for prior learning assessments are based on the credit value of the course.

Learning Credit Course Fee
1.5 learning credit course $90.00
3.0 learning credit course $180.00
5.0 Learning credit course $200.00
6.0 learning credit course $360.00
ACU 6.0 learning credit course $200.00

*Any PLA fees for Practical Nurse Refresher program are subject to a different fee. Please contact practicalnurse@lethbridgecollege.ca for details.

Re-registration Fee (post add/drop period): $75 per course section excluding labs and tutorials.

Students are responsible for printing on campus. Printing cost for a standard black & white 8.5” x 11” copy is 10¢ per page. Larger format and colour copies are also available at a higher cost. (Prices are subject to change).

This excludes printing from our on-campus printer - Digitex.


Paid parking is available on campus at the current approved fee rates.


To view the 2024-2025 residence accommodation rates, please refer to the online information by clicking here.